Friday, October 8, 2010

Call for Advocates!

Update: Restraint and Seclusion

Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT) introduced
The Keeping All Kids Safe Act, S 3895, an updated version of his earlier bill (S. 2860). Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) is a co-sponsor of S. 3895. The updated version of the bill would allow school districts to include restraint and seclusion in individual education programs (IEPs) only if students had a two-year history of dangerous behaviors that could result in serious bodily injury and a functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention plan were developed and implemented by professionals. The bill would prohibit all chemical and mechanical restraints and restraints that restrict breathing. The bill was referred to the Senate’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.

How Do We Discus This Calmly?

I have been with The Arc for around a quarter of a century and I don’t remember every going into a State of Texas Legislative session without repeating the mantra of “more funding for more and better services.” What else could we say when families and individuals were looking at 10 year-long waiting lists and minimal levels of services and supports.

Well, this year with billions of dollars in short-falls we are hearing of the very real possibility of service cuts and a stops to most efforts for waiting lists reductions. Remember that programs such as Home and Community Based Waivers (HCS) and CLASS are not entitlement programs such as State Supported Living Centers (State Schools) and Medicaid. In other words the State is not compelled or required to provide the service just because a person is eligible.

The Arc will do its best to keep everyone informed as the budget process proceeds. But if you want to become part of the solution please email your contact information to with “Advocacy” in the subject line. The people with disabilities who we care about need “action” not “ah shucks”. They need a core group who will respond to action alerts with calls, letters, visits or email.

To read another perspective on the situation, please click HERE.

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